Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cinnamon Rolls

I've always been a fan of bread making. Funny enough, I don't like eating the bread itself *except the ones in Baker's Delight...oooh how I miss those sweet chilli scrolls!!*
My first attempt, and many more attempts after that, was when I was in Melbourne. they were never successful. I blame it on the dry and cold weather hihihi...and my theory was right, it is so much easier to prove the bread in Indonesia's hot and humid weather.
Cinnamon scrolls is one of my favourite bread recipe. My sister used to beg me to make it again and again even though the result was never perfect. How I miss her so much now *sobs* and wished I had made her these scrolls more often that I did back then.

Anywayz, now with two kids, I barely have the time, let alone the energy to knead the bread. I have tried using my regular Phillips mixer to do the job but it did not turn out right. Ooohh how i am longing to have that pink Kitchen Aid mixer...looks like I have to wait till my birthday next year *sighh...*
So when I came accross this recipe at Camelia's blog *God bless her* that requires NO KNEADING at all, I jumped with excitement. All the ingredients were ready in the kitchen, so that night, at 10 pm, I started preparing the dough, because it needs to be in the fridge for at least 12 hours.

Yesterday morning I checked on the dough and was quite disappointed to see it has not risen that much. After trying to find out what went wrong with it, I read on the original website that it is not supposed to rise like a normal dough. yipppeee, I might be on the right track then!! 
So in the evening, after the dough had been in the fridge for approx. 20 hours, I started to work with it.
And the result...oh myy.....this will definitely be my favourite bread recipe!! I cannot believe how soft it is considering I did not knead it at all. It is even better than the ones I used to  make in Melbourne. If only I could make this for my sister now.... *big hug for her*


No Knead Cinnamon Rolls

original recipe from here
adapted from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
(diterjemahkan ala kadarnya oleh Camelia
Adonan Roti :

1 3/4 cups air hangat
1 1/2 sdm ragi instan
1 1/2 sdt garam
4 btr telur, kocok lepas
1/2 cup madu
1/2 cup unsalted butter, cairkan
7 cup tepung terigu serba guna

Caranya :
Dalam wadah besar, campurkan telur, air, madu, metega cair, ragi dan garam. Aduk rata dengan sendok kayu. Masukkan tepung. Aduk rata...aduk terus sampai gak ada butiran tepung yang masih kering (lk. 1 menitan). Tutup (jangan gunakan airtight container).Masukkan kedalam kulkas semalaman atau hingga 4 hari. Semakin lama di kulkas, baunya akan semakin terasa di dalam kulkas, dan rasanya juga lebih enak.

PS : Kalau mau bisa dibiarkan mengembang dalam suhu ruang selama 2 jam diatas meja, ambil adonan yang akan dibuat rolls. Tapi tetap lebih enak yang didiamkan semalaman.

Topping :
6 sdm unsalted butter, lembutkan suhu ruang
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 cup brown sugar
30 pecan halves (aku gak pake)

Kalo aku resep topping ini aku jadikan 2, digunakan sebagai filling dan topping *malas ribet*.

Cara membuat topping :
Cream semua bahan kecuali pecan, sehingga dapat dioleskan.

Cara membuat cinnamon rolls : 

Pertama, keluarkan adonan roti dari dalam kulkas, ambil adonan sebesar buah melon ukuran sedang. Masukkan kembali sisanya kedalam kulkas supaya dapat digunakan dilain waktu. Lumuri tangan dan adonan dengan tepung. Bentuk adonan menjadi bola dengan cara menarik dan dimasukkan kebawah adonan sehingga didapat adonan yang bulat. Biarkan adonan beristirahat ditutup dengan kain. Biarkan sebentar sementara menyiapkan filling dan toppingnya.

Taburi meja kerja denga tepung, gilas adonan hingga didapat adonan segi empat dengan ketebalan 1/8 inches. Olesi dengan bahan filling hingga rata ke seluruh adonan, taburi kacang pecan. Gulung, potong-potong. Panggang dengan suhu 170c selama 35-40 menit. Tetap di cek dahulu soale tiap oven berbeda-beda. Apabila sudah kuning keemasan, then its ready.


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